Sunday 7 August 2011

The Parrot Theory

The Parrot Theory dictates that we are bound to repeat history. We are born into a mould and formed by the surrounding audience. You are pre-determined, Your friends, your family, your culture, your religion and your quality of life.

If you have to choose your mould, then there would be no poverty stricken people. This then brings me to think , why is it that only the select few make it out the dark pit of poverty? That is because we mould our offspring to our own image. But we should rather take a step back and stop our selfish nature and refuse the parrot theory.

Why do we live in in our past? We populate the past unto our next generation, and with that we indoctrinate a recipe for bringing back the medieval. I observe how children emulate their parents and after looking at them, one cant help wondering just how much of an individual a person can be. A baby is a blank template imprinted only with its parents genetic features. But that is probably the closesst he or she would be to become an individual.

We need to start elaborating on what we want to accomplish in life and set options to our next generation instead of setting rules and regulations. Our future must not be a repeated vocabulary of our present or past, but rather a new chapter to our life book. 

I am of the opinion that we do not asspire to become more than what we can be but rather more of what everyone else is and want you to be. Look around, and see who you would want not to be.

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