Thursday 27 October 2011

Damn those feminists!

Allot of hate gets focused against women who stand up for women rights. Yes of course there are extreme cases where people exaggerate the situation by overstating the facts.

Let me begin this conversation by stating that I do not wish to discriminate towards any gender or creed by writing this blog.
Now with the formalities over and done with, lets dig a bit into this phrase that gets misconstrued as a swear word. I do see myself as a feminist. I feel that not enough gratitude is given towards the fairer sex. Women are for most of the gender gracious and intelligent beings. We are surrounded with male fascism. Businesses have the attitude that if you can’t play a man’s game then you better not play at all. How can we ever accept this standard? I find that we accept too many unwritten laws as standard practise and we bottle ourselves into a space which limits our thinking and forces us to react in a certain manner. Why is it that businesses always have to play a man’s game.
Women are most of the time intelligent and calculated beings. They are emotional, but they are also more cunning. I tend to go with the saying that men are dogs and women are cats. Notice how cunning and agile cats are. Women adapt to their surroundings, they tend to be stronger in many aspects when compared to their male counterparts. They can endure more pain and when it comes to revenge, well “hell has no fury like a women’s scorn”.
I look at different cultures and what I have noticed is that men tend to always dominate over women. Why is it that we educate our girls from young to obey the man and to be their servant? What happened to equality? Why is it standard practice, that the man must lead and the woman simply serve and follow? Men are allowed to wear what they want but in certain practises the women are not even allowed to display their nose. This is an absolute discrimination towards women. I know that there are several reasons as to why it is justified but I do not buy these excuses. If the man gets into temptation upon seeing women, then he should be the master of his own desires and harness his will power to steer him away from it. It is called morals and self control.
I feel that too many women gets beaten up, used and pushed down in order to make man look good. Women have flair and certain elegance in everything they do. They are the fairer sex and I must admit that they do grace our world with beauty.
Do you as a man spoil the woman in your life and celebrate their beauty? Do you as a woman allow to get pushed down by man? I fear I might have made a few enemies by accentuating the brilliance of all women, but just for once, try to view this objectively and envisage the message being portrayed.

Monday 24 October 2011


As president I promise to create Peace, Work opportunities and Housing for everyone! Vote for me and I will be part of the people for the people! No its not election time nor is this some political column to punt some idealistic world for some elite people.

It is happening all around the globe, Politicians making promises and never keeping them. Why is it that around election time, we discover all these obscure parties? Not only does the small parties come to light but the bigger parties are all of a sudden hard at work providing what they were suppose to do every day. As long as the parties swoop them off their feet a month before the elections, all is fine.  

I get irritated with people falling for the same trick every time. People are impoverished and barley can afford to eat one meal a day, but yet they vote for the same party. I am not just talking about my country but about all of the political parties across the world. We give them the power to rule over us and govern our countries. This is quite a big responsibility but yet people hand this responsibility over at a whim.  

I always ask the beggar on the street who he/she voted for. I do this not to punish or reward them but to see just who keeps on voting corruption and total lack of governance into power. These days there seem to be a huge issue of race and religion all across the world. Qualifications that are much needed to rule over a country seem to be of no relevance.  A grade 4 certificate is sufficient to be in office. You obviously need to sell your mouth and be able to charm the crowd, whether it be by dancing or chanting absolute rubbish just to keep them happy. 

Once you are in office, you are set for life. One term can ensure that you have an early retirement. You will be amongst the rich and famous. You can delegate and basically pretend your intelligence right through the term.  

I am amazed how people that are placed so far out of the reach of reality make ground level decisions that in effect do not have any impact on their lives at all. How do we justify democracy when the poor still suffer and the rich get richer? How do we quantify a person’s moral standing upon his race and charm? I do not believe that people are educated properly to commit their vote to the right candidate.

Some governments keep the uneducated and poor where they are in order to secure future votes. Think about a donkey running after that carrot that he just never will have while the passenger gets a free ride.

 All across the world people are standing up against the rich and merciless. Taking back what they were cheated out of. Retrieving what the governments stole from them because they are a certain religion or race. I believe in equality and honest hard work to get where you want to be.

This piece was just something I thought about while watching news and seeing some clowns jumping around entertaining the crowds. Remember:  fame is short lived when you do not have talent. -Werner van Tonder

Friday 14 October 2011


Go to university, get a degree, get a job, climb the corporate ladder, get married, buy a house with white picket fences, get a baby, get another one, send the children to university, retire....DIE.

We are pre programmed to perform a rhetoric life. It is always assumed we will all follow a chain of events in life that forms the norm. This method of thinking is referred to as robotisim. Yes it is not a word in the dictionary but I just coined it. We are full of potential but we allow ourselves to be dictated to and programmed by other people.

Look at kingdoms. The people allowed themselves in the Middle Ages to get dictated to by a single person called a king. The only reason why the king had such immense power was because the people allowed him to have the power. We have plenty of kings amongst us in this day and age. We see ourselves as inferior and not worthy of being our own kings, thus we get dictated by individuals.

I call upon all robots to dethrone the monarchies and embrace humanity. Why do you have to have 2 babies, and retire at 65? There is a glitch in this logic. Take for example people who cannot support themselves. They are married and because they are programmed to have 2 babies, they do exactly that. Thus their children inherit poverty and the same flawed logic that is passed on by their parents.

I trust you can appreciate my point that I am bringing across here. I cannot see much logic in life today. It is almost like we live to die. How much of the world remains unseen because we work our whole lives? We all basically have the same goals in life and the same structures in life.  This is true robotisim. Why is it that the pattern repeats itself over and over? Live work die, live work die. We have to re-invent ourselves. I have mentioned this before but Perhaps we do not look introspectively at ourselves to explore other ventures. My career is programming, but yet my desire is writing and exploring different facets of life. I earn a living with programming, but that does not have to be my source of income for ever. I have the power to change my live to how I want to live it. If I do not challenge myself and these unwritten norms that everyone conforms to, then I am suffering from Robotisim myself. I like to be an individual. A unique person that stands out from the rest.

Perhaps you have a flair for something but do not phantom it to be part of your life due to circumstances.. what is stopping you to get closer to living your dreams? Finances, time? Work on it.. become an inspiration to yourself and try to better your situation. Use your mind and stop following the rest of the robot clan. One step at a time. Eventually you will be who you want to be.

Monday 10 October 2011

Of superheros and villans

Isn’t it sad how we slave away at work while life passes us by? I was sitting and reflecting on how fast my first 30 years flew by and just what I achieved in that time span.

The majority of people are really very helpful and eager to help other people in need. Some people like to help the less fortunate, some endeavour to enrich our life’s just by supporting us and some make a tangible change in our futures. Unfortunately there are the villains in life that just could not care to help anyone. The only person that comes to mind is themselves. I do not want elaborate  on these people as I do not think that they need any exposure.

I want to celebrate the real heroes in life. Our sponsors. The ones who helped us get where we are. If you are someone who are proud of just how hard you had to work to get where you are, then you would know who I am talking about.

I thank my parents, my school teachers even though they gave me so much homework. I salute my first boss who gave me a chance to cut my teeth in the grown up world. My friends who listened and just hanged out with me. I cannot forget to mention all my ex girlfriends. If it was not for them, then I would not have known what not to look for in a woman. I thank my wife for all those long evenings that she had to wait for me to come home from work.

I am sure there are plenty more to mention but you get the just of it. We seldom think of how the closest people are our recipe to success. We always salute the great minds of science and freedom, but we should really thank our closest of friends and family.

One last gratitude goes out to all my enemies and people that wanted to cheat me out of a better position at work or life. If it was not for them, then I would not have learnt to push ahead no matter what. We are all potential waiting to be exposed. Noting should stop you from achieving what we aim for.
Your goal is limited by your persistence.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Self Control

Focused liberation or Self restraint?

Something we all heard of is self control. This clichéd term is often taken out of context and thus its value is lost. I discovered that there are various times that we have to practise self control. Have you ever just stood back and took a look at people in a casino? Did you notice a few of them pushing money into the coin slots or forcing the notes into the reader, as if their lives depend on it? I can almost for certain tell you that these are gambling addicts.

When people are under pressure due to an addiction or even work, they tend to either lose or gain self control. In order to be a compulsive gambler you need to take risks, thus the need to lose self control and give in to an addiction controlling you instead of common sense and logic. Work pressure can lead you to lose self control but that is not always a bad thing. We have to lose a degree of self restraint in order for us to open our minds to lateral thinking.

Self control is our accelerator pedal. I find it hard to practice self control when I am upset. I see people totally losing it when they get mad. Love and anger, these are emotions that can be detrimental to our ability to practise self control. It is what makes us human and not animals. We are the masters of our own futures and self control is just another tool to aid us in obtaining our hearts desires. By controlling your emotions, actions and thoughts, you can achieve great things.

I think most people see self control as a restraining method rather than a focused liberation. I seldom see the qualities of self control in impoverished areas. Look at most top businessmen. They all had to master the art of focused liberation in order to achieve the unthinkable. Some of the richest people came from the worst conditions imaginable, but they persisted and instead of lashing out at the world that rejected them, they used SELF CONTROL and focused on getting out of their situation.

We all have the ability to lose it or use it.

If I could do anything for anyone then it would be to teach them about self control. Master that and you have discovered the key to success.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Follow the leader

This piece might seem a bit boring to some but I do feel that there is something missing in our daily dose of news being fed to us via the different mediums.

7pm... Switch on the television and you are sure to find the news airing. Switch to other free to air channels and they most likely have the news showing as well. One thing that irritates me beyond measure is the lack of originality in the news. You can literally switch between the channels and follow the same stories word for word. Scripted and ineffective in promoting an objective view of what is happening in South Africa.

I yawn and wonder if anyone actually would change this pattern. The lack of lateral thinking makes for a nation with eye flaps. Who decide to orchestrate the series of stories that are aired? I feel personally that broadcasting companies are stuck in a trench of bad habit. Plenty of people die in South Africa every day, but rarely do we hear about the man who is killed for his watch, but yet when a political member utters a few racist words or spew out some unintelligent ideas of how to enrich the rich and impoverish the poor, then it makes for headline news. The sensationalism that is our news have more resemblances to a tabloid than actuality captured to inform the masses.

People are influenced about what they read, hear or see, and thus the media is such an important propaganda machine for any cause. I wish that a channel in South Africa would just re-invent media in this country. Go down to grass root level and explore what is happening with the REAL people in South Africa. The rich and the famous get too much attention while the real gears in the machine runs without oil. It does not take a rocket scientist to think laterally. Go interview people and get their opinions on stories in the news. Don’t follow mainstream news stories just like all the other channels, become story seekers and not just reporters.
As a nation that is becoming more and more divided, I think the media has a vital role to play in re-uniting the nation. Reporting on how blatant corruption is might be important but reporting on things that changed people’s lives for the better can actually entice more people to become involved and thus emanating some positive vibes.
I challenge everyone to become more diverse at thinking about things. Everyone does things because they follow. Become the leader and change life’s every day. Remember we are not just citizens but partners. We have the power. If Julius can.. Then so can YOU!