Thursday 27 October 2011

Damn those feminists!

Allot of hate gets focused against women who stand up for women rights. Yes of course there are extreme cases where people exaggerate the situation by overstating the facts.

Let me begin this conversation by stating that I do not wish to discriminate towards any gender or creed by writing this blog.
Now with the formalities over and done with, lets dig a bit into this phrase that gets misconstrued as a swear word. I do see myself as a feminist. I feel that not enough gratitude is given towards the fairer sex. Women are for most of the gender gracious and intelligent beings. We are surrounded with male fascism. Businesses have the attitude that if you can’t play a man’s game then you better not play at all. How can we ever accept this standard? I find that we accept too many unwritten laws as standard practise and we bottle ourselves into a space which limits our thinking and forces us to react in a certain manner. Why is it that businesses always have to play a man’s game.
Women are most of the time intelligent and calculated beings. They are emotional, but they are also more cunning. I tend to go with the saying that men are dogs and women are cats. Notice how cunning and agile cats are. Women adapt to their surroundings, they tend to be stronger in many aspects when compared to their male counterparts. They can endure more pain and when it comes to revenge, well “hell has no fury like a women’s scorn”.
I look at different cultures and what I have noticed is that men tend to always dominate over women. Why is it that we educate our girls from young to obey the man and to be their servant? What happened to equality? Why is it standard practice, that the man must lead and the woman simply serve and follow? Men are allowed to wear what they want but in certain practises the women are not even allowed to display their nose. This is an absolute discrimination towards women. I know that there are several reasons as to why it is justified but I do not buy these excuses. If the man gets into temptation upon seeing women, then he should be the master of his own desires and harness his will power to steer him away from it. It is called morals and self control.
I feel that too many women gets beaten up, used and pushed down in order to make man look good. Women have flair and certain elegance in everything they do. They are the fairer sex and I must admit that they do grace our world with beauty.
Do you as a man spoil the woman in your life and celebrate their beauty? Do you as a woman allow to get pushed down by man? I fear I might have made a few enemies by accentuating the brilliance of all women, but just for once, try to view this objectively and envisage the message being portrayed.

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