Sunday 2 October 2011

Follow the leader

This piece might seem a bit boring to some but I do feel that there is something missing in our daily dose of news being fed to us via the different mediums.

7pm... Switch on the television and you are sure to find the news airing. Switch to other free to air channels and they most likely have the news showing as well. One thing that irritates me beyond measure is the lack of originality in the news. You can literally switch between the channels and follow the same stories word for word. Scripted and ineffective in promoting an objective view of what is happening in South Africa.

I yawn and wonder if anyone actually would change this pattern. The lack of lateral thinking makes for a nation with eye flaps. Who decide to orchestrate the series of stories that are aired? I feel personally that broadcasting companies are stuck in a trench of bad habit. Plenty of people die in South Africa every day, but rarely do we hear about the man who is killed for his watch, but yet when a political member utters a few racist words or spew out some unintelligent ideas of how to enrich the rich and impoverish the poor, then it makes for headline news. The sensationalism that is our news have more resemblances to a tabloid than actuality captured to inform the masses.

People are influenced about what they read, hear or see, and thus the media is such an important propaganda machine for any cause. I wish that a channel in South Africa would just re-invent media in this country. Go down to grass root level and explore what is happening with the REAL people in South Africa. The rich and the famous get too much attention while the real gears in the machine runs without oil. It does not take a rocket scientist to think laterally. Go interview people and get their opinions on stories in the news. Don’t follow mainstream news stories just like all the other channels, become story seekers and not just reporters.
As a nation that is becoming more and more divided, I think the media has a vital role to play in re-uniting the nation. Reporting on how blatant corruption is might be important but reporting on things that changed people’s lives for the better can actually entice more people to become involved and thus emanating some positive vibes.
I challenge everyone to become more diverse at thinking about things. Everyone does things because they follow. Become the leader and change life’s every day. Remember we are not just citizens but partners. We have the power. If Julius can.. Then so can YOU!

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