Thursday 24 November 2011


The one subject that is close to my heart. Often misconstrued and watered down as being used as something that depicts random sexual acts. I take great offence when a word as powerful as this is used as a meagre description for something other than its indented context. I often find myself reminiscing upon what I see as my desires in life. When I talk about something as powerful passion I do not refer to something that is close and dear to your heart, it is a lot more than that. It is your heart, the force that drives you. It is what you live for. If you do not agree with the latter then I doubt that you have found your passion in life.
To me, passion defines a purpose in life. We all have different desires and goals in our lives but that may not always be what your passion is. 90 Percent of people do not live their passions and I would estimate that about 60 percent of those do not even know what their passion in life is. I cannot help but feel sorry for them because they might not achieve to be all that they can be in life.
For all of us to be successful in life we need to know what our passion is. Passion breeds perfection. Many companies, religious institutes, academic facilities and sports use the word passion to describe the prerequisite to excel in the respective areas. How do you determine whether or not you have said needed passion? Simple... you know it, you feel it and you crave it. It is a fire burning and consuming you and your mind often wanders to a place where you practice your hearts desires.
It is a damn curse as well. I find it impossible to contain my passion at times and it can de motivate you at the worst of times due to its nature of consuming you. The trick is to harness this to power your actions to steer your future towards it. You need to be the champion of your circumstances and overcome the hardships and hurdles that prevent you from living your true passion.
When looking at business owners and relate their business success directly to them, you will often find that the richest ones have their success contributed to their passion and their dedication. It came with a big price tag.
Passion is something you have to look for and discover on your own. It can be a heavy burden to bear and thus should be summoned with respect and dedication. Once you come to realisation of what I speak of then you would understand that is actually a mystery that cannot be described.
Think about your hearts desires and distinguish them from the emotional desires. Look closely at what makes you want to sacrifice without anything in return. What do you hunger for? Now go and get it.

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